for Fierce: Fan Expansion
This guide will introduce you to the changes in this fan DLC.
Experience a whole new dimension of 112 Operator with this massive fan-made DLC! Dive into an array of fresh mechanics, dream features, and an abundance of new incidents, events, and calls. Prepare to face even more intense disasters, equip your units with cutting-edge gear, and tackle a wide range of challenging scenarios.
Please respect our work and do not publish or edit content.

Fierce: Fan Expansion is made for free play, so the campaign and scenarios will not necessarily work.
1. Install the mod and you will find the latest instruction (”README” file) in the downloaded file. There may be a separate guide for each version.
2. Create a new game, choose the lowest career stage - "junior" and difficulty mode - "normal". Then you are provided with better entertainment and equipment.
3. Turn off events that do not interest you or weather phenomena that do not occur in the city of your choice, e.g. a sandstorm in Central Europe. There are new weather phenomena in our mod (for the premium version players).
*To avoid any mistakes, we advise against using codes and cheats.
Requires all DLCs. We use mechanics from each DLC, so playing without this content is highly discouraged.
Does not work with any other mods.
You need to create a new game.
File size: 300MB
One of the first noticeable changes is the absence of pre-assigned equipment for crew members. We implemented this so you no longer have to spend additional funds adjusting basic gear. Naturally, we’ve also increased your starting budget to allow you to select the most suitable equipment. While preparing for duty may take a bit longer, it will ultimately prove more cost-effective!
New equipment is created for each unit type, with the corresponding crew member role noted in parentheses. Some incidents require specific unit types to handle them effectively. Most of the units below are available in requirements. We have just provided our units suggestions. The larger the city, the more types needed for the city to be sufficient and not need support from neighboring cities.
Unit Types:
Prevention [Combat-related incidents]
Bomb Squad (Sapper) [Explosive threats]
Traffic/Highway [Traffic violations, such as speeding, road accidents, or collisions]
Special Unit (Counter-Terrorist) [Hostage situations]
Mounted Police (available only as requirements) [Riots]
Search and Rescue Unit [Missing persons]
Police Dog [Missing persons]
Police Technicians (Technician) [Homicides]
Crime Police (Detectives, Negotiators) [Homicides, drug-related cases, thefts, burglaries]
Fire Department:
Ordinary Fire Trucks (Universal) [Suitable for most types of incidents]
Heavy Fire Trucks/Tanks/Tender (more than 10 of water capacity) [fires]
Command Units [Deployed for the most serious incidents]
Rescue and Search Unit (Includes rescue dogs) [search operations]
Fire Ladder [For operations in high-rise buildings and fires]
High-Altitude Rescue (Specialized vehicles and firefighters equipped for high-altitude rescues) [work at heights]
Chemical Rescue [chemical leaks and fires involving hazardous materials]
Technical Rescue [road accidents, fallen trees, and burst pipes]
Water Rescue [incidents involving submersion or flooding]
Aircraft unit [if you have an airport on the map]
Rapid response unit (motorcycle, fast car) [no units available, urgent incident]
Basic ambulance (ambulance driver + paramedic) [all medical incidents]
Specialist ambulance (doctor + driver + paramedic) [severe cases]
Transport ambulance (ambulance driver + paramedic) [mass casualties]
Medical helicopter (pilot + doctor) [mass casualties, urgent incident]

Remember the accidents in 112 Operator that didn’t require many service resources? Those days are over!
It’s time to raise the difficulty level. We completely revamped road accidents, collisions, and vehicle fires, and added around 20 new scenarios! Now, every incident is meticulously detailed. Dispatchers will know exactly how many vehicles are involved and how many people might be injured.
While rare, some accidents may involve the risk of an explosion. This will typically be indicated in the description, as mentioned by the caller. However, keep in mind that not all callers are aware of potential dangers, including explosions.
On-site, emergency services will encounter many more tasks essential for resolving the situation and saving passengers or other individuals involved in the accident.
Some of these tasks include:
Opening vehicles,
Immobilizing vehicles,
Cleaning up oil spills,
Sweeping streets,
Disconnecting batteries, and more!

Fires in 112 Operator, thanks to the Fierce: Fan Expansion, are truly dangerous and should not be taken lightly! Each fire scenario is designed to avoid repetition, varying in size from small to medium to extremely serious. Fires can also occur in diverse locations, such as bakeries, schools, cinemas, and more, sometimes requiring dozens of units. Be aware that fires can spread quickly, so respond promptly!
All fires include additional tasks for firefighters, demanding more resources and careful planning. Ensure your crews are well-equipped (details on this in later chapters) and prioritize vehicle modernization, as it significantly impacts your success rate. At the scene, always ensure you have enough water and deploy appropriately sized fire trucks to handle the situation effectively.
Fires are also more serious in forest and field areas! However, firefighters extinguish fires much slower without water in their vehicles, so make sure fire trucks arrive for water during operations.

We all know that the profession of a medic is just as dangerous as that of a policeman or firefighter. For this reason, we have introduced new content: problematic individuals in medical incidents. These are people who interfere with medics' actions, often due to intoxication from substances like drugs or alcohol. Such behavior might also stem from outrage or other causes that are not immediately apparent. The specific reason for a person's actions will not be disclosed during the incident.
Furthermore, medics will not be able to provide first aid to an injured person until the problematic individual has been dealt with by the police. These incidents can include scenarios such as heart attacks or breathing difficulties, among others. While not present in every medical case, there is a small but realistic chance (about 1-5%) that such situations may arise.
To ensure the safety of medics, it is essential to manage all incidents carefully.

Until now, only a small number of incidents included a timer. The timer measures the time required to address specific failures. We have now introduced timers for new incidents across various categories. These include medical incidents (e.g., heart attack, unconscious child, chainsaw injury, allergic reaction, stomach ache) and fire department incidents (e.g., gas van, smell of gas in a stairwell).
Medical incidents with timers can end tragically for the patient. For instance, a person who has injured themselves with a chainsaw might lose too much blood before the ambulance arrives, or their condition could deteriorate drastically.
Note: Timers may also appear in incidents involving problematic individuals, significantly complicating the situation.
Typically, incidents with timers do not explicitly mention this in their description. This means you must respond urgently to serious events to prevent escalation.
Fire department incidents with timers operate in a similar way. You must act before an undesirable event occurs. For example, if firefighters fail to extinguish a gas van fire in time, it could explode, causing extensive damage.
Even if the incident itself doesn’t disappear due to a delayed response, the on-site situation may still negatively impact your reputation.

We have added three new weather phenomena to the game: sandstorms, hail, and black ice. Additionally, existing weather conditions have been significantly improved in terms of mechanics and functionality, and have been expanded with new incidents, calls, and mechanics. This includes storms, floods, snowstorms, earthquakes, and tsunamis.
Each new weather phenomenon brings a series of incidents, as every type of weather can lead to unfortunate events. For example, during the newly added weather conditions, there is a heightened risk of road accidents, falls, broken bones, and similar emergencies.
As noted above, the challenges added in the base game have been refreshed. Weather effects are now more noticeable to the player, increasing the demand on your resources. Therefore, we recommend reinforcing your response teams. If funds are limited, consider using older models of rescue vehicles.

With Fierce: Fan Expansion, the dispatcher role becomes more helpful and slightly more efficient. The maximum number of incidents that can be managed by a single operator at a time has been increased.
However, based on our experience and feedback, we recommend playing without relying on the operator mechanic. Handling incidents solo enhances situational awareness and provides a more engaging gameplay experience for each incident.
Additionally, we find the game to be more enjoyable in smaller areas, where emergency services are limited to a maximum of 40-50 units.

The system calls introduce a completely new form of connections. From now on, you’ll encounter unique events such as Halloween or prom panic, building collapses, fires, flooded buildings, special operations, and many more!
The mechanic is very similar to the previously added calls (with voice actors), so don’t be surprised if you receive one. This system is designed to inform the player about the most critical events happening in the city.

New equipment is one of the main highlights of Fierce: Fan Expansion. In total, around 100 types of equipment exist, which may make the game more challenging for inexperienced players.
Here are a few tips to help you navigate these changes:
For Firefighters: Two additional equipment slots have been introduced. One is designated for protective gloves, and the other for the primary equipment used by the firefighter. You can select from the following equipment categories: water rescue, technical, chemical, high-altitude.
Each category should be chosen based on the specific requirements of the unit and incident.
For Police Officers: Handcuffs are no longer treated as a separate piece of equipment. Instead, they are now included in every chest-mounted equipment option. To ensure your officers have access to handcuffs, you must equip them with at least a belt. Without the arrest bonus provided by this equipment, officers will be unable to make arrests.
Additionally, consider creating specialized teams for tasks such as technical operations, traffic management, counter-terrorism, and more.

All ambulances have one transport space for patients. That's more realistic, right? The exceptions are transport ambulances, large helicopters, medical buses, or transport boats.
You now do not need to select a minimum number of career points when starting a new game.
​Monetary changes! Initial funds increased by 30%, but infrastructure costs have increased with the Facilities DLC. Robots and dogs are also more expensive.