About this feature
Fires in 112 Operator thanks to Fierce: Fan Expansion are really dangerous and should not be taken lightly! Fires are designed not to be repetitive, so they can be small, medium, or really serious (and also have various locations like: bakery, school, cinema and more!) that require dozens of units. Fires like to spread, so react quickly.
All fires have additional tasks for firefighters that require additional firefighting resources.
Procedures force the services to take care of evacuation if the building or area is in danger. This is one of the conditions for further action. In addition, most often the police are also needed to secure the area/direct traffic.
The firefighters then proceed to put out the fire - wow, who would have expected. In the meantime, injured people are taken out of the building.
Once the fire is extinguished, firefighters must proceed to cool the premises - they must ensure that the fire does not re-ignite. Therefore, for this purpose, they extinguish it again.
If the above activities have been performed, firefighters will clean the facility/area/site.
Don't worry, the police are not necessary. If you don't send the police to the incident but the fire is put out, then the incident is still solvable. This way you can save police units without losing your reputation.
For some cases:
When a vehicle catches fire, it may explode and injure people nearby.
If the building was on fire, firefighters will start smoke removal after the operations are over.
If you get a gas leak report - don't take it lightly. In some cases there is a chance of an explosion.
Remember to equip your crews well and take care of the modernization of all vehicles, which has a significant impact on the passing rate. At incidents, remember to have enough water and send fire trucks of sufficient size.