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€30 /one time

Support us once and you have all the benefits forever! No borders, no limits.

Before donating, please read the rules in force.​

  • How it works?
    We will give you roles that allow you access to additional channels on our Discord server. After sending support to us, please contact us through the page. Everything is done on Discord: access to mods, reporting bugs and suggestions.
  • Why is it worth it?
    Thanks to the appropriate financial resources, we will be able to develop our mods without restrictions. Our programs with which we work require monthly payment, it is unfavorable for us. We often have to pay outsiders for professional services provided, for example for Fierce: Fan Expansion. Our capabilities are only limited!
  • Am I guaranteed to receive the promised beta tests?
    Yes, of course. You can see dozens of our testers (on our Discord server) who got access after they supported the team.
  • How long will you develop Fierce: Fan Expansion?
    We anticipate hotfixes until the end of 2025. Depending on the popularity of the mod, we will decide whether to release major updates.
  • I supported the team, now what?
    Contact us by e-mail.
  • What beta tests will I get?
    Fierce: Fan Expansion Premium and alpha tests of City of Angeles and Firefighting: Real Threat.
  • PayPal does not work in my country. What can I do?
    Unfortunately, there is no other way to support our team at once. If anything changes, we'll let the community know!
  • I think this mod is too expensive, what should I do?
    Free version of Fierce: Fan Expansion is available! Enjoy! Also, try our other mods available on the Steam Workshop. In addition, giveaways and searches for beta testers are held from time to time on our social media.


1. The benefits of supporting us are a gesture of gratitude. Support is a contribution, not a purchase.

2. A one-time support option for the Fierce Storm team is available at a single threshold of €30 ("Patron Forever").

  • No benefits are provided for contributions below €30.


3. For users who started supporting us on Patreon before the announcement of these changes, the previous rules still apply.

They retain access to version 0.8.1 (note: this is not Fierce: Fan Expansion Premium).

4. It usually takes up to 24 hours to deliver the benefits included in your support plan (this time is 48h in the case of Patreon).

  • This delivery time may be extended due to factors beyond our control, as we often juggle personal responsibilities such as school, work, and family.

  • Patreon supporters receive their benefits at the beginning of each month, provided their monthly support remains active.

5. The rules for participating in beta testing are outlined on our Discord server under the #rules-of-beta-testing channel (accessible to supporters).

6. One-time support is available exclusively through PayPal. No other payment methods are accepted for this option.

7. Monthly support is handled via Patreon.

8. Our primary communication platform is Discord.

  • All benefits and rewards for supporters are distributed through our Discord server.


​There is really nothing wrong with the question. We will reply as soon as possible and you cannot live with a lack of knowledge.


If you do not have a bank account, make sure your guardian/parent knows about this transaction.

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